Cardio Is Not Enough

Cardio Is Not Enough
Maryann Youssef
December 11, 2024
Cardio Is Not Enough

Maryann Youssef


December 11, 2024

Of course, I'm always happy when clients start or maintain a consistent walking or jogging regimen. But strength training is by far the hill I will die on! I can't stress enough the importance of resistance training in any capacity - even just bodyweight alone.

Don't believe me?  

Just came across this study and had to post. Shout out to our Strength & Balance ladies - there's a reason for the monthly push ups!  

"Push ups and sit ups could add years to your life according to a new study of over 80,000 adults"

In the largest study to compare the mortality outcomes of different types of exercise found people who did strength-based exercise had a 23 percent reduction in risk of premature death by any means, and a 31 percent reduction in cancer-related death.  

Study highlights:  

-> participation in any strength-promoting exercise was associated with a 23 percent reduction in all-cause mortality and a 31 percent reduction in cancer mortality  

-> own bodyweight exercises that can be performed in any setting without equipment yielded comparable results to gym-based activities  

-> adherence to WHO's strength-promoting exercise guideline alone was associated with reduced risk of cancer-related death, but adherence to the WHO's aerobic physical activity guideline alone was not -- TRANSLATION: cardio alone is not enough, you need to make strength training part of the routine

-> adherence to WHO's strength-promoting exercise and aerobic guidelines combined was associated with a greater risk reduction in mortality than aerobic physical activity alone

Check out the link to read the full study

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